Logics for Qualitative Reasoning
1st Workshop on Logics for Qualitative Modelling and Reasoning (LQMR'15), Photos
Workshop Applications of Logics in Artificial Intelligence ALAI 2013
The team consisting of three members of the Logics for Qualitative Reasoning project (Tomasz Lechowski, Przemysław Wałęga, and Michał Zawidzki) participated in ECAI 2014 Angry Birds AI Competition. Angry Birds is a video game in which the main aim is to destroy all pigs located in a given level using a slingshot and birds of various kinds. In most cases pigs are positioned among other objects - building blocks, rocks or specifically profiled ground - whose behaviour reflects the laws of physics. Participants of the Angry Birds AI Competition develop playing agents that are able to play the game on their own without any human interaction. Our team developed an agent which aims to imitate human reasoning. It uses two methods of qualitative reasoning - vertical impact and horizontal impact reasoning - in order to choose the best possible target. Both of these methods are based on several notions such as stability, being above, being to the right of, being a shelter of. The agent assigns a list of certain numerical and logical values to all the objects in the game based on the size, relative location, and material of these objects. It then proceeds with the qualitative reasoning in order to estimate the influence of one object on another. For instance, if an object A is situated on the top of object B, then the agent reasons (via vertical impact reasoning) that the destruction of object B will lead to the fall of object A. Similarly, if an object A is directly to the right of object B, then the agent reasons (via horizontal impact reasoning) that shooting at B will also affect A. The object which has the largest influence on the highest number of pigs is chosen as the target. For the detailed description of the algorithm and the reasoning methods see the paper Qualitative physics in Angry Birds: first results.
The competition was held during the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Teams from 12 different countries from 3 continents took part in the competition. An unmodified version of the last year's winner and several other returning teams were among the participants this year. The competition was fierce and the quality of this year's agents far surpassed those of the previous competitions (last year's winner failed to qualify into the quaterfinals this year). Our agent made a promising debut. It was the best amongst those who failed to reach the semi final stage and finished 5th overall. See 2014 Competition Results.
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Representing Humans' Mental Models in Prioritized Default Logic
Presented at: 21th Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland, 9-13 May 2016
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Nonmonotonic Qualitative Spatial Reasoning
Presented at: Doctoral Consortium at 15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Cape Town, South Africa, 25-29 April 2016
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Nonmonotonic Qualitative Spatial Reasoning
Presented at: 1st Joint ADT/LPNMR Doctoral Consortium, Lexington, KY, USA, 27 September, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Default Reasoning with Propositional Encoding of Topological Relations
Presented at: 2nd Workshop on Learning and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Lexington, KY, USA, 27 September, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga (presenter), Mehul Bhatt, Carl Schultz
Contributed talk: ASPMT(QS): Non-Monotonic Spatial Reasoning With Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories
Presented at: 13th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning, Lexington, KY, USA, 27-30 September, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Extending Default Logic
Presented at: Entia et Nomina 2015, Kraków, Poland, 9-11 September, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Default and non-monotonic spatial reasoning
Presented at: Logic Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, 3-8 August, 2015
Tomasz Lechowski (presenter), Michał Zawidzki, Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Modeling decision-making under ignorance and uncertainty
Presented at: 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, Finland, 3-8 August, 2015
Michał Zawidzki (presenter), Tomasz Lechowski, Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Hybrid logic for qualitative reasoning about location
Presented at: 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki, Finland, 3-8 August, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Talk: Qualitative Space in ASP
Presented at:Institute for Informatics and Computational Science, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 13-16 July, 2015
Emilio Munoz-Velasco (presenter), Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: A Movement Control System Based on Qualitative
Presented at: 10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Burgos, Spain, 15-17 June, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Default rules in spatial reasoning
Presented at: 19th Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland, 9 May, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Modal logics for qualitative spatial reasoning
Presented at: PhDs in Logic VII, Vienna, Austria, 14 May, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Overfitting problem in a virtual sensor obtained with W–M method
Presented at: 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems KES’14, Gdynia, Poland, 15-17 September, 2014
Przemysław Wałęga (presenter), Tomasz, Lechowski, Michał Zawidzki
Contributed talk: Qualitative physics in Angry Birds: first results
Presented at: Symposium on AI in Angry Birds, 20 August 2014, affiliated with the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI’14, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 August, 2014
Domenico Cantone, Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo (presenter)
Contributed talk: On dual tableau-based decision procedures for relational fragments
Presented at: the Workshop on Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability ADDCT’14, Vienna, 18 July, 2014 (affiliated with IJCAR 2014 and RTA 2014, Vienna Summer of Logic, 9-24 July, 2014)
Michał Zawidzki (presenter), Tomasz, Lechowski, Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Building a hybrid logic for qualitative location
Presented at: Trends in Logic XIII. Studia Logica International Conference. (Gentzen's and Jaśkowski's heritage. 80 years of Natural Deduction and Sequent Calculi), Łódź, Poland, 4 July, 2014
Domenico Cantone, Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo (presenter)
Contributed talk: A relational dual tableau decision procedure for multimodal and description logics
Presented at: 9th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems HAIS’14, Salamanca, Spain, 11 -13 June, 2014
Son Thanh Cao (presenter), Linh Anh Nguyen
Contributed talk: An improved depth-first control strategy for query-subquery nets in evaluating queries to Horn knowledge bases
Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications, ICCSAMA’14, Budapest, Hungary, 8-9 May, 2014
Przemysław Wałęga
Invited talk: Reasoning with movement based on qualitative representation
Presented at: the seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain, January 2014
Ivo Düntsch, Ewa Orłowska, Clint Van Alten (presenter)
Talk: Discrete dualities for n-potent MTL and BL-algebras
Presented at: International Workshop on Algebraic Logic in Computer Science ALCS’13, 14 December 2013, affiliated with the 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, 14 -19 December, 2013 Stellenbosch, South Africa
Joanna Golińska-Pilarek
Invited talk: Relational dual tableaux: foundations and applications
Presented at: 28th Italian Conference on Computational Logic CILC’13, Catania, Italy, 25-27 September, 2013
Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, Emilio Munoz Velasco (presenter), Angel Mora
Contributed talk: Deterministic tableau-decision procedure via reductions for modal logic K
Presented at: 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems CISIS’13, Salamanca, Spain, 11-13 September, 2013
Przemysław Wałęga
Invited talk: Robotic simulations for fuzzy qualitative reasonig methods
Presented at: the seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain, September 2013
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Reasoning for moving blocks problem: formal representation and implementation
Presented at: International Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning KRR’13, 25 August 2013, affiliated with the 29th International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP’13, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-29 August, 2013
Joanna Golińska-Pilarek
Contributed talk: On decidability of a logic for order of magnitude qualitative reasoning with bidirectional negligibility
Presented at: 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence JELIA’12, Toulouse, France, 26 -28 September, 2012
Joanna Golińska-Pilarek
Invited talk: Automatyzacja wnioskowań z wykorzystaniem
relacyjnych systemów dual tableau (Automation of reasoning by means of relational dual tableaux)
Presented at: Filozofia w logice i informatyce, Warszawa, 6 November, 2015
Joanna Golińska-Pilarek
Contributed talk: Logiki jakościowe dla wnioskowań z dokładnością do rzędu wielkości (Qualitative logics for order of magnitude reasoning)
Presented at: 61 Konferencja Historii Logiki, Kraków, 21 October, 2015
Michał Zawidzki
Contributed talk: Jakościowa przestrzenna logika hybrydowa (A qualitative spatial hybryd logic)
Presented at: 61 Konferencja Historii Logiki, Kraków, 21 October, 2015
Tomasz Lechowski
Contributed talk: Formalne ujęcie wybranych heurystyk w jakościowej teorii decyzji (A formal representation of some heuristics in qualitative decision theory)
Presented at: 61 Konferencja Historii Logiki, Kraków, 21 October, 2015
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Metoda wnioskowania stabilnego (A method of stable reasoning)
Presented at: 61 Konferencja Historii Logiki, Kraków, 21 October, 2015
Tomasz Lechowski, Przemysław Wałęga, Michał Zawidzki
Contributed talk: Sztuczna inteligencja w Angry Birds (Artificial Intelligence in Angry Birds)
Presented at: Festiwal Nauki. Warszawa, Warszawa, 22 September, 2014
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Consistency of interval algebra
Presented at: Philosophers' Rally (Zlot Filozoficzny), Warszawa, 3 -5 July, 2014
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning
Presented at: 19th Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics (Zastosowania Logiki w Filozofii i Podstawach Matematyki), Szklarska Poręba, Poland, 5 -9 May, 2014
Przemysław Wałęga
Contributed talk: Logiki dla metod wnioskowania jakościowego (Logics for methods of qualitative reasoning)
Presented at: 59 Konferencja Historii Logiki (59th Conference on the History of Logic), Kraków, 22 -23 October, 2013