Logics for Qualitative Reasoning
Domenico Cantone received the BS degree in mathematics from the University of Catania, Italy, in 1982. In 1985 and 1987, he received the MS and PhD degrees in computer science from New York University. In 1990, he became professor of computer science at the University of L'Aquila, Italy. In 1991, he moved to the University of Catania, where since 2002 he has been the director of the graduate studies in computer science. Since 1995, he has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the journal "Le Matematiche". His research interests include: computable set theory, automated deduction in various mathematical theories, and, more recently, string matching and algorithmic engineering. In the field of computable set theory, he has coauthored three monographs published in 1989, 2001, and 2011.
Son Thanh Cao is an academic teacher at Vinh University in Vietnam. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Informatics at the same University. In 2008, he received the Master's degree in Computer Science from Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam. His scientific interests are in logic programming, deductive database, description logic and semantic web. In 2013-2016 he was a member of the team and a PhD student at the University of Warsaw, Poland. He received the PhD in computer science in 2016. PhD title: Methods for evaluating queries to Horn knowledge bases in first-order logic. Advisors: Linh Anh Nguyen (Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw) and Joanna Golińska-Pilarek (Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw).
Joanna Golińska-Pilarek is an assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy at Warsaw University. She received her PhD at the Warsaw University in 2004. Her main research interests lie at the intersection of logic and cognitive sciences. See her webpage for details.
Tomasz Lechowski is a PhD student at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. He received his Masters of Mathematics (MMath) degree from the University of Warwick in 2008. He then studied philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, where he graduated with a BA and a MA degrees in 2011 and 2013, respectively. His research interests include: mereology, mereotopology, formal ontology and modal logics. He joined the project team in October 2013.
Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo is an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Catania. She received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Catania in 2003. Her main research interests and activity regard tableau based deduction systems, decision procedures in elementary set theory and non classical logic, and interactive theorem proving. See her webpage for more details.
Ewa Orłowska received her MSc (1957), PhD with honors (1971), the Ministry of Science and Education award for the dissertation in 1972 and DSc (1978) degrees in mathematics from Warsaw University, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, and the scientific title of professor in 1993. She was employed at Warsaw University, Polish Academy of Sciences, and since 1996 she has been a professor at the National Institute of Telecommunications. She authored or coauthored over 100 publications in international journals, 2 monographs, and edited several special issues of journals, conference proceedings, and books. She participated in international projects from the Esprit series (as a member of a French group), Tempus, COST (a member of the management committees and in the COST Action 274 she was the coordinator of a working group), a NATO project, an INTAS project, bilateral collaboration projects with French, the UK, and South Africa. She was an invited speaker or a member of the programme committees at many international conferences. She was a visiting professor at universities in Europe, Canada, Japan, and South Africa. She served as an assessor for the Council of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (1999-2003), and a member of the International committee of the E.V.Beth PhD dissertation prize (2005, 2006, 2007). She is a member of the editorial boards of 5 international journals. Her current research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning with incomplete or uncertain information.
Przemysław Wałęga is a PhD student at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. In 2012 and 2013, he received BEng and MS degrees in mechatronics from Warsaw University of Technology. In 2013 he received also BS degree in philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. His research interests include spatial and temporal reasoning, modal logics, hybrid logics, and computational complexity. He joined the project team in November 2012 as a graduate student. In October 2013 he got the PhD student position in the project. For details see his webpage.
Michał Zawidzki received the MA degree in political science in 2008, the MA degree in philosophy in 2009 and the BSc degree in mathematics in 2012 from the University of Lodz. His PhD thesis, defended in May 2013 at the University of Lodz, was devoted to hybrid logics, their computational complexity and decision procedures for them. From December 2011 to December 2013 he was a principal investigator in the project Deductive systems and decidability problem for hybrid logics funded by the National Science Centre of Poland. He is an author of a monograph on deductive systems for standard and non-standard hybrid logics. His current research interests are located in the fields of modal logics, hybrid logics, decidability and computational complexity of non-classical logics, tableau and sequent calculi, applications of logics in modeling human interactions. He joined the project team in October 2013 as a postdoctoral fellow.